It is the mission of the Yosemite/Sequoia RC&D Council to promote the quality and aesthetic values of our cultural, environmental, and recreational resources by improving the quality of life through sustainable, diverse economic development.

Fire Resilient Madera
The goal of the Fire Resilient Madera Workshop is to identify priority areas for strategic fuel break implementation in Eastern Madera County and to define what a fire resilient Madera County looks like.
Check out the Fire Resilient Madera Facebook Group!
Fire Resilient Madera Workshops are part of the Madera Strategic Wildfire Mitigation Project (MSWMP), which is implementing strategic fuel breaks and defensible landscape projects in Eastern Madera County. Five to seven projects, over three years, will protect up to 15,000 habitable structures, as well as businesses, infrastructure and community resources. Treatments will vary based on fuel types and conditions (slope, elevation, etc.) but could include tree felling, mechanical or hand crew thinning, chipping and pile burning to accomplish public safety and fuel reduction goals.
WIP Capacity Program
Yosemite Sequoia Resource Conservation and Development Council (Y/S RCDC) received grant funding from Sierra Nevada Conservancy for the WIP Capacity program. This program falls under the umbrella of CA Dept. of Conservation’s RFFCP (Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program) which is funded by California Climate Investments Program(CCI). Key goals of this program are to restore forest health and wildfire resilience in the southern Sierra region, by strategically prioritizing and integrating efforts that benefit our communities and ecosystems on a regional landscape level.

Action, Implementation, Mitigation Program (AIM)
The AIM program is supported by a cooperative agreement with the USDA Forest Service. In accordance with federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free voice (866) 632-9992, TDD (800) 877-8339, or voice relay (866) 377-8642. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Madera Firewise Program
In 2020, Yosemite/Sequoia Resource Conservation & Development Council (YSRCDC) was awarded Title III funds from Madera County to re-establish the Madera Firewise Program for rural and foothill communities in Eastern Madera County*. We have partnered with Coarsegold Resource Conservation District (CRCD), who has hired a community Firewise Coordinator to assist prospective communities in applying to become nationally recognized by the National Fire Protection Association.
Through this program, YSRCDC and CRCD will work together to:
Establish new Firewise communities
Support existing Firewise communities
Plan fuel reduction projects for Firewise communities
Provide information about wildfire preparedness to the public
Interested in starting a Firewise Community in your neighborhood? You only need 8 residences to start and we can help you through the process. Contact us today!